Entertainment Spotlight, Meet Actor Nick Masson

When did you know you wanted to be an actor?  It had to be when I was 10 and I went in for a local call for the national tour of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when they came to Boston. I ended up booking the job and from about then on I was I love with acting.

What’s your dream role? My dream role would have to be a toss up of any member of the jets in west side story or this job right here. Being in Newsies is a dream come true.

Who has influenced you in your acting? Harrison Ford has been a big influence of mine but also I was and still am a huge fan of the Rocky Movies so I would have to say Sylvester Stallone. 

What do you want visitors and locals to know about being an actor?  It’s not easy, haha even though we try to make it seem easy it isn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I love to come to work and play dress up, but it can really take a toll on those who don’t let themselves have a life out side of the theater. That’s why we try to spend as much time as we can relaxing and taking easy when we don’t have to be at the theater so that when we do get on stage, it’s the best show that we could possibly give you the audience. Cause at the end of the day that’s who we’re there for.

How has being part of the cast of newsies been for you? Newsies has been an incredible journey for me, I have gotten to explore almost half of this great nation and I can’t wait for what adventures and memories I’ll make in the coming months. The boys have really become my brothers and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. They’re my family.

 What social media do you use?  I mostly stick to Instagram ( _nickmasson_ ) and Twitter ( Nick_Masson_ )

Describe being an actor in 5 words or less

 raw, memorable, entertaining, work


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Keeping the good times rolling since 2012!
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